Friday, May 31, 2013

Comedians Should Rule the World

Should Rule the World; 
Instead of the Clowns 
We’ve Got Now!

Jerry Seinfeld 
would make the best key witness. 
Hed point out every minute detail of the crime scene. 
And cheer up the grieving family and friends 
of the murder victim with his hilarious wit.  

Woody Allen 
should have the launch codes for the nuclear missiles. 
That way the world would never be destroyed. 
He’d contemplate and worry too much 
to ever hit the fire button. 

Betty White 
would make the perfect assassin. 
She’d invite you over for dinner 
and entertain with hilarious anecdotes 
from her extensive TV comedy career. 
You’d have so much fun, 
you wouldn’t realize until the very end 
that her chocolate pudding 
tasted a bit like strychnine for a reason. 
You enjoy chocolate before you die; 
and you die laughing. 
And isn’t that much more preferable 
than having a bullet fired at you from a mile away? 

Funny commercial: interrogation CSI Miami

Uploaded on Apr 18, 2007 by

Mitch Hedberg
I went to a restaurant, 
and I saw a guy wearing a leather jacket, 
eating a hamburger, and drinking a glass of milk. 
I said, “Dude, you are a cow. 
The metamorphosis is complete. 
Don’t fall asleep; or I will tip you over!” 

George Carlin
Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? 
Are they afraid someone will clean them? 

Dean Burkey
Let’s all try not to kill each other. 
After all, 
that is the first step 
toward our achieving world peace. 

Bill Cosby
Human beings are the only creatures 
that allow their children to come back home.

Steven Wright
It’s a small world, 
but I wouldn’t want to paint it.

Jerry Seinfeld HBO Debut - 1981

Uploaded on Dec 8, 2007 by

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