Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Getting Messy with Nessie Part 8

Getting Messy with Nessie 
Part 8:
Sweet Dreams

He shot me! 
The seedy-looking lad shot me! 
I never knew a bullet would burn so intensely. 
I clutched my bleeding left arm. 
His trick worked, because that shut me up. 
As he aimed for the kill shot, 
I grimaced, whiffing the foul stench of death. 
For my last chance at having a final statement, 
I aimed for meaningful, instead of whimsical. 
“Treat others with the dignity and respect 
you long to receive for yourself.” 

Snarl! Thwack!! Kablam!!! Oww!!!! 

Not my writing arm too! 
Maybe it was the blood loss. 
Or the result of being hung in a net for so long. 
But I must’ve started to hallucinate, 
catching sight of a furious ball of fur 
smacking the seedy-looking lad 
and his two cronies with boat oars. 
A furry-ious ball of fur? 
Before passing out, I called out, “Biggie?” 
As consciousness left me, 
I remembered I wasn’t supposed to call him that 
in front of the others. 
The last thought I remember thinking: 
Yay abandonment issues! 

Being unconscious, 
I pieced together what happened next 
from the varying accounts of the others. 
Bigfoot stowed away on the steamship to tail me. 
Making sure I didn’t do anything stupid in my enraged state. 

Good call. 
‘Cause one time I was so mad at my neighbor, 
I stormed off to Walmart 
and bought several yards of clothing lines. 
I own a tumble dryer! 
I don’t need clothing lines. 
Another time I invested a large sum 
into a research company seeking to create 
a new kind of baked beans that makes one’s flatulence 
smell like roses in spring. 
Sadly, Morning Mist wreaked like Morning Must. 

Constable McBrody handcuffed 
the seedy-looking lad and his two cronies 
and arrested them for murder, kidnapping, 
and attempted murder. 

Further investigation revealed they worked in collusion 
with Scottish crime boss Angus McMenace. 
Making sure tourists and locals alike stayed away 
from his buried treasure until he gets paroled. 
Which was why they created the fake Loch Ness Monster 
to scare people away from their secret cove. 
The dopes! 
They didn’t realize that their faux Nessie 
is what brought people out in droves! 

Meanwhile as Bigfoot set Nessie free, 
Captain McSquint snuck up behind them 
with a double barrel shotgun, 
ready to bag two legends with one blast. 
Bigfoot and Nessie acted so giggly together 
that McSquint might’ve succeeded too. 
That is, 
if I hadn’t suffered intestinal trauma 
even in my unconscious state. 
A loud and sustained flatulent blast 
caused McSquint to groan in justifiable horror 
as still netted, I dangled above him. 
Bigfoot turned and punched McSquint 
across the dock and into the bay. 

Unfortunately, that jolt caused McSquint to fire. 

Fortunately, for Biggie and Nessie the blast didn’t hit them. 

Unfortunately, for unconscious me, 
the double barrel shotgun fired upwards 
shredding the net ropes that held me high above the dock. 

Fortunately, Biggie caught me. 
That’s what he claims anyway. 
So I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. 
How else would my eyebrows disappear? 
But then again, 
why did Biggie and Nessie always snicker 
when they looked me in the eyes? 

Biggie and Nessie visited me in the hospital 
before eloping and leaving on their honeymoon to Nepal. 
I think Bigfoot wanted his Yeti cousin 
the Abominable Snowperson to meet his new bride. 
Fortunately, Bigfoot gave the medical staff a rare gemstone 
to pay for my bills. 

Half a week later, I rode home on a steamship. 
With both my arms in casts, I couldn’t shovel coal. 
So instead, Captain Steele stuck me in the crow’s nest 
and used me as a weather vane. 
Which worked out well. 
Minus a couple lightning strikes. 

(I know they say lightning 
never strikes twice in the same place. 
But the boat was in a different place 
when I got struck the second time. 
So technically, that’s still true.) 

What new adventures lay ahead for me remained to be seen. 
But while Biggie and Nessie found true love, 
I made friends with several seagulls and an albatross 
who all seemed to suffer the same intestinal incontinence 
that overwhelms me after ingesting alfalfa sprouts. 
Those crazy birds left deposits all over my head and casts. 
I comforted myself by thinking they didn’t have a pen, 
so how else could they sign? 

Being downhill, 
the return trip took twelve days instead of thirteen. 

Or maybe the new guy in the steam room 
shoveled coal much faster. 

At the marina, 
I slipped on the dock and fell into the bay 
in front of the dinghy Sweet Kisses 
from the S. S. Chocolate Dreams. 
I made a big splash with one Miss Georgette Ghirardelli. 
She said I had the cutest dimples. 
So I said she was an excellent judge of dimples. 

Although clearly a woman of exquisite upbringing, 
Georgette scrubbed the bird poop off both my casts 
and let me bathe in a tub of chocolate! 
It wasn’t a river, but it was a tasty start. 

I beamed with delight and said, 
“Insert witty comment here.” 

She smiled a radiant smile and replied, 
“Add snaky comeback here.” 

I wouldn’t call her a supermodel, 
but she easily exhibited all the signs 
of someone with a heart of gold. 
And I can’t imagine anyone lovelier. 
While I convalesced, she entertained me 
by playing the ukulele and singing the impossible: 
Non-annoying sea shanties! 

What an amazing, fascinating, and appealing woman. 
If only she could juggle … 

All the Best,

Please Note:
The following video may can contain a word or two that some may find offensive.

Kevin James - Sweat The Small Stuff (compilation)

Uploaded on Jul 17, 2009 by

Mitch Hedberg
If you can’t sleep, count sheep. 
Don’t count endangered animals. 
You will run out. 

Dean Burkey
Men in relationships have a double standard. 
How come if you tell a friend a secret, 
he has to tell his girlfriend or wife, 
because that’s “the kind of relationship they have”, 
but then he can tell you all kinds of stuff that 
“you can’t ever let her find out”?

Jerry Seinfeld
Somebody just gave me a shower radio. 
Thanks a lot. 
Do you really want music in the shower? 
I guess there’s no better place to dance 
than a slick surface next to a glass door. 

Phyllis Diller
If you ever see three New Yorkers 
get into a cab without an argument, 
a bank has just been robbed.

Steven Wright
Today I met with 
a subliminal advertising executive 
... for just a second.

"Last Comic Standing and My Mom" - Gabriel Iglesias

Uploaded on May 3, 2010 by

Monday, April 29, 2013

Getting Messy with Nessie Part 7

Getting Messy with Nessie 
Part 7:
A Real Blast

Nessie plopped onto a plank 
which shot up like a seesaw 
and jarred the gun hand of the seedy-looking lad, 
causing him to miss me by mere inches. 
So I avoided getting shot for a few more minutes, 
while a giant net rose up capturing Nessie. 
The whole scheme had been a trap all along; 
and somehow I got suckered into being bait 
without even knowing it. 
And so, presumably, had McBrody and McSquint. 

McSquint eyed Nessie 
like a hunter eyes a prize tiger in his sights. 
I didn’t like that look on him, or anybody, 
but especially on him, 
especially when he salivated over the thought 
of blasting, stuffing, and mounting my dear friend. 
So I headbutted him. 
Just like in the movies
Only that hurt me worse than it hurt him.

McSquint retaliated by headbutting me back. 
Just like in the movies. 
Only he knew what was doing, 
so again, 
that hurt me worse than it hurt him.
I gotta stop talking during movies 
and pay better attention!

Not satisfied with giving me a pounding migraine, 
he punched me in the gut. 
But his plan backfired, 
because that only intensified my intestinal fortitude, 
creating an unfortunate alfalfa sprouts-induced, 
IBS-esque expulsion. 

Our captors showed mercy to McBrody and McSquint, 
by putting me in a separate net. 
They showed “mercy” to me 
by draping me in a clean diaper. 
I felt vulnerable and humiliated. 
Was that really merciful of them? 

Lucky for Nessie, 
the seedy-looking lad and his two cronies knew that 
keeping her alive would be worth more to them 
than just killing her. 
Too bad they didn’t feel the same way 
about the three of us. 

With Nessie securely netted, 
the seedy-looking lad and his two cronies 
aimed at each of us. 
The seedy-looking lad pointed his pistol at me, 
while his two cronies were each 
supposed to shoot McBrody and McSquint. 
But from my angle, 
all three of them aimed at me. 
I never really knew how much the Scots hated tourists! 
Or maybe they ran out of adult diapers. 

I figured I should say something grandiose for my last words. 
Since I’m a writer, 
people expect such things from me. 
Some pearl of wisdom. 
So I said, “Insert funny line here.” 

That’s what I said. 

I often used that phrase in my writing, 
so I don’t get bogged down fretting over a line or two. 
I needed my words to flow as much as possible, 
to get into the creative zone, 
so I couldn’t let a lapse of thought 
hamper the rest of what I was doing. 
And then, while editing, 
I could come back and add something then. 
And then, on another pass, tweak as needed. 
But that was all I could think of. 
Except for one other thing. 

“I love you Nessie. 
I’m so sorry I messed things up for you. 
I never meant to cause you any harm. 
Thank you for saving my life. 
These last few minutes 
wouldn’t’ve been the same without you. 
When you see Biggie, tell him I love him; 
and I’m sorry I stormed away. 
It’ll be a bit of a swim for you, 
because he never comes here. 
But please let him know.” 

“Shut up!” yelled the seedy-looking lad. 
“I don’t mind a moving target. 
But a yapping one makes it hard for me to think.” 

“Oh really?” I asked. 


I called out, “Everyone yap!” 

Constable McBrody talked about 
how he joined the force so he could make a difference. 

Captain McSquint, for some odd reason, 
blathered on about split ends and his inability to find 
satisfactory hair products that could handle the salt air. 

Even Nessie clicked, clacked, and whistled 
in that way that she does. 
No one else could interpret, except me, 
so I knew she forgave me. 
She knew I’d never muck up so royally on purpose. 

Whereas I bemoaned the fact that I never 
got to marry a supermodel heiress to a chocolate fortune. 
She wouldn’t even have to juggle or play the ukulele. 
Those talents were just options. 
Not necessities. 
She’d still need a heart of gold. 
Or being a super dee duper supermodel. 
With a heart of silver or bronze. 
At the very least nickel or copper. 
Possibly pyrite, but only if shes a contortionist too. 

Somehow blocking out our auditory distractions, 
the seedy-looking lad got me in his sights 
and pulled the trigger. 


Sweet Dreams

All the Best,

Honest Trailers - Les Miserables

Published on Mar 26, 2013 by

Phyllis Diller
They say that housework can’t kill you, 
but why take a chance?

Rita Rudner
My husband and I are either going to buy a dog or have a child. 
We can’t decide whether to ruin our carpet or ruin our lives. 

Dean Burkey
I’m not saying you’re a liar.  
I’m just saying that your information 
is far less than factual than reality.

Mitch Hedberg
I saw a billboard for the lottery. 
It said, “Estimated lottery jackpot 55 million dollars.” 
I did not know that was estimated. 
That would suck if you won and they said, 
“Oh, we were off by two zeroes. 
We estimate that you are angry.” 

Steven Wright
Eagles may soar, 
but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines. 

How Animals Eat Their Food

Published on Apr 8, 2013 by

Friday, April 26, 2013

Getting Messy with Nessie Part 6

Getting Messy with Nessie 
Part 6:
Facing the Real Monster
Dean Burkey

Photo Source: Loch Ness Terror

Trapped in a net with Constable McBrody 
and Captain McSquint. 
At least McBrody used after shave. 
But McSquint smelled like week-old fish. 
But I couldn’t complain, 
because I smelled like a messy diaper. 

Thanks a lot alfalfa sprouts! 

McSquint snarled. 
“So that’s why they dubbed ya’ Mack Pooper!” 

Couldn’t argue with that. 
But still. He’s just mean. A real bully. 

McSquint only came on the expedition to kill Nessie. 
To have her stuffed and mounted 
at his Legendary Corpses Emporium 
would be a real boon to his lackluster tourist trap. 
Maybe if he displayed better corpses 
than a dead dwarf in a leprechaun suit 
and a couple hollowed out Muppet puppets. 

He already had the mounts ready 
for both Nessie and Bigfoot. 
But he’ll never catch Bigfoot in Scotland. 
Not after Biggie got so seasick on our cruise to Bermuda. 

Still, made me mad to think someone would think 
of my dear friends merely as targets, 
as animals to be stuffed and mounted as trophies. 
Especially when Nessie and Biggie 
both have more heart in their left flipper 
or little furry left pinkie toe, 
than Captain McSquint had in his whole family tree. 

The three of us struggled to break free to no avail. 
In fact, the more we struggled, 
the worse things got. 

I pled, “Just stop! Everybody stop moving! 
We’re only making it worse!” 

McSquint snarled and thrashed. 
“I’ve almost got it!” 

McBrody drew his gun. 
I wasn’t sure if he wanted to shoot me, 
McSquint, or the net, 
but he looked very intent 
on shooting someone or something, 
if only to relieve some stress. 
As McBrody’s finger squeezed his trigger, 
McSquint thrashed, 
which shoved McBrody’s pistol in my face. 

“Don’t shoot!” 

“We won’t! And neither will you!” 
A hand reached through the netting 
and yanked away McBrody’s gun 
before he could blast away my facial features. 

I gawked to see the seedy-looking lad from the pub. 

“You know I lied; right?” 

“I’m not the one?” 

“You were the one, 
but you wouldn’t get in the water. 
So we had to kill the girl instead. 
But that’s not what I’m talking about. 
I lied about us not shooting you. 
Now that we have the Constable’s gun, 
we can make it look the three of you turned on each other, 
since you harpooned our imitation monster. 

I shifted my head to look at McBrody 
and then McSquint to say: “He’s right. 
Our turning on each other would be completely believable.” 

The seedy-looking lad aimed McBrody’s gun at us. 

I nudged McSquint, 
knowing he’d throw a fit, 
which made us start to sway. 

“Oh, goodie! I love a moving target.” 

The first of the seedy-looking lad’s cronies 
nudged the seedy-looking lad and said, 
“Three of them; three of us. 
Why don’t we each shoot somebody?” 

The seedy-looking lad sighed. 
“Fair enough. But I get to kill the goofball yank.” 

“Whew!” I said. “He’s going to shoot McSquint first.” 

McBrody shook his head. 
“Sorry mate, but you’re the only lad from the states. 
Which makes you the only goofball yank.” 

Realizing the implications of my forthcoming doom, 
I thrashed even more, 
making the net rock like never before. 
Which would have been a perfect plan, 
if only both McBrody and McSquint 
hadn’t shoved me to the front of the net 
to use me as a human shield. 

The seedy-looking lad swayed in rhythm 
with the swinging net as he took careful aim. 

I knew my life had to end sometime. 
Or at least I had the notion that it might. 
Only I hoped my end would be a bit different. 
Something along the lines of honeymooning too much 
with my supermodel wife. 
And/or drowning in a chocolate river. 

Please dont shoot. 
Im too middle-aged to die.

The seedy-looking lad smiled 
as his right index finger tightened on the trigger. 


A Real Blast

All the Best,

Taylor Mason: Funny, Clean Comedian

Published on Oct 29, 2012 by

Mitch Hedberg
I’m an ice sculptor. 
Last night I made a cube. 

Dean Burkey
Why are so many people in America unhealthy?  
Don’t all supermarkets carry Flintstone vitamins?

Chris Rock
My mother is the kind of woman 
you don’t want to be in line behind at the supermarket. 
She has coupons for coupons. 

George Carlin
If you ate pasta and antipasti, 
would you still be hungry?

Steven Wright
When everything is coming your way, 
you’re in the wrong lane. 

Frank Caliendo cool imitations

Uploaded on Jun 1, 2008 by

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Getting Messy with Nessie Part 5

Getting Messy with Nessie 
Part 5:
Harpooned in the Heart

Nessie lay on a shore 
where she swore she never laid before. 

Cackling with insane glee, 
Captain Squint stood poised on the bow of the ship, 
aiming his harpoon with the poison tip. 

I raced from the cabin below to stop him. 

I pretended to trip 
and shoved McSquint just as he fired. 

But I was too late. 
He fired before I shoved him. 
Or worse, 
he would’ve missed her completely, 
but then I shoved him on target. 

Either way, 
the poison-tipped harpoon pierced Nessie in the heart. 
No amount of surgery can fix that. 

A poison-tipped harpoon through the heart is 
a doubly deadly double whammy! 

I felt as if I’d been harpooned in the heart, 
sorrowing to see the slaughter 
of the last plesiosaur on Earth. 
Mourning the murder of a dear friend. 

Had I caused her death? 
If I hadn’t gotten so fed up with Bigfoot 
that I came to hang out with Nessie, 
but then I met an attractive cocktail server, 
would Nessie have not become so enraged, 
so jealous as to commit such a heinous crime? 

I mourned the loss and wept from guilt, 
dropping to the deck, a blubbering mess. 

Nessie herself faced her demise 
far more courageously than I did. 
I wept and wailed, 
while Nessie, on the other hand, 
merely deflated. 
Merely what? 

That wasn’t Nessie after all! 
Just a strangely accurate, 
lifelike, life-sized, fast-deflating replica. 
But why? 

McBrody, McSquint, and I 
rode the dinghy ashore to investigate. 
“I told you she doesn’t exist!” 

Grabbing me by the collar, 
McSquint lifted me off the ground. 
As my feet dangled, he snarled, 
“You’ve got city wits Mack Pooper. 
You’ve been writing stories all your life.” 

I gulped. 
Usually I come back with a clever quip. 
But his vice-like grip encroached upon my windpipe. 

McBrody nudged McSquint and said, 
“Put him down.” 

“With pleasure.” 
Gazing into my eyes, McSquint sneered. 
“You’re a whiny, cookie-hogging clown 
who’s lost all tough with reality.” 

I gulped again. 
As best I could, given the circumstances.

McBrody snickered at what he considered 
a highly accurate appraisal, but then said, 
“I meant, on the ground.” 

“Bah!”, growled McSquint who, 
with a mere shrug, tossed me into the bay. 

I gasped as I came up for air; and then, 
with a bravado that can only lead to no good, 
I shrieked as I ran at McSquint and tackled him. 

McSquint flailed in such way that he grabbed McBrody, 
so down went the three of us. 
But only for a millisecond. 
As soon as we plopped down, 
we shot up! 

Captured in a net. 
McBrody and McSquint glared at me. 
I shrugged, 
but then gasped, 
as I clutched my gut. 
Were those alfalfa sprouts in the garden salad?” 

Facing the Real Monster

All the Best,

One Of The Funniest Comedy Sketches Of All Time

Published on May 30, 2012 by

Rita Rudner
I want to have children, but my friends scare me. 
One of my friends told me 
she was in labor for thirty six hours. 
I don’t even want to do anything that feels good 
for thirty-six hours.

Phyllis Diller
A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

Dean Burkey
The details of the artist’s alibi are sketchy.

Mitch Hedberg
A lollipop is a cross between hard candy and garbage.

Steven Wright
All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.

My Blackberry Is Not Working! - The One Ronnie, Preview - BBC One

Uploaded on Dec 20, 2010 by

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Getting Messy with Nessie Part 4

Getting Messy with Nessie 
Part 4:
The Hunt Begins

Constable McBrody assembled 
a team of three with one mission; 
and one mission only. 
To hunt the Loch Ness Monster. 
Dead or dead. 
There was no alive option. 

What had I gotten myself into? 
How could I be part of a team seeking 
to kill a good friend whom I felt 
semi-certainly hadn’t killed Coleen? 

But if not Nessie, then who killed Coleen? 
And why? 
And why did they frame the Monster so mercilessly? 

The team consisted of Constable McBrody, 
Sea Captain McSquint, 
and me, Dean, 
but no one called me Dean on this trip; 
they call called me The Mighty Mack Pooper. 

I confess, 
I did like the Mighty part. 
I couldn’t care less about the Mack part. 
But I totally dreaded the Pooper part. 

And so we set sail early the next morning. 
Just before dawn. 
Aboard McSquint’s fishing boat, the Dorca. 

Having convinced them that I was an expert 
on the Loch Ness Monster, 
even though I insisted she doesn’t exist, 
I made it clear that if she did exist, 
she felt highly fond of peanut butter, 
chocolate, and bananas. 

although I hunted a dear sweet friend, 
I got to sneak snacks of my three favorite flavors. 
Best of all, 
I also convinced them that alfalfa sprouts 
would scare her off, 
so I didn’t have to worry about 
accidentally eating any of that! 

Munching on two chocolate chip cookies 
with peanut butter and a pureed banana 
sandwiched between them, 
I did my best to help Nessie, 
by leading them to a cove where she never goes. 

I sighed, 
enjoying my ingenious plan to protect 
my possibly homicidal friend, 
and more importantly, 
savoring my three favorite flavors. 

“We’ve got her on sonar! 
She won’t get away now!”

Instead of leading them away, 
I led them right to her. 
I promise with all my heart 
I never intended to become Nessie’s Judas. 
Goodbye old friend. 

Harpooned in the Heart

All the Best,

Louis ck on tonight show

Uploaded on Nov 6, 2011 by

Mitch Hedberg
My manager said, “Don’t use liquor as a crutch!” 
I can’t use liquor as a crutch, 
because a crutch helps me walk. 

Woody Allen
When I was little boy, 
I wanted a dog desperately; 
and we had no money. 
I was a tiny kid; 
and my parents couldn’t get me a dog, 
‘cause we just didn’t have the money, 
so they got me, instead of a dog 
- they told me it was a dog - 
they got me an ant. 
And I didn’t know any better, ya’ know, 
I thought it was a dog. 
I was a dumb kid. 
Called it Spot. 
I trained it, ya’ know. 
Coming home late one night, 
Sheldon Finklestein tried to bully me. 
Spot was with me. 
And I said “Kill!” 
And Sheldon stepped on my dog. 

Dean Burkey
Why is it always the guilty people who say?: 
“Don’t judge me!”

Steve Martin
A celebrity is anyone who looks like 
he spends more than two hours working on his hair.  

Steven Wright
I have a decaffeinated coffee table. 
You’d never know it to look at it. 

David Letterman - Comedian Moody McCarthy

Published on Jul 13, 2012 by