Important Obligatory
Disclaimers and Notices
In accordance with the “Fair Use” rule of copyright law, the characters, people, companies, products, songs, etc. mentioned herein are presented as a form of parody. Otherwise, all characters appearing in this blog are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
For entertainment purposes only. This blog is mostly a work of comedy. But even if and when this blog may make a serious point or two, Dean Burkey and this blog do not condone anything illegal or reprehensible. You are solely responsible for the use of the ideas, concepts, and content of this blog and hold Dean Burkey and this blog harmless in any event or claim. So have fun, but don’t take too much herein too seriously.
The information contained herein is only to be used for personal entertainment purposes. You are solely responsible for the use of the ideas, concepts, and content and hold Dean Burkey, this blog, and all members harmless in any event or claim.
Dean Burkey and this blog are not liable for and have no control over URLs, embedded YouTube videos, and other web-links that no longer function properly. They worked when first included, but could cease to do so at anytime.
Dean Burkey receives varying amounts of commission on most, if not all, of the items promoted in this blog.
Whew! Now that all that’s out of the way, please have fun; and enjoy yourself! This blog is meant to be a whole lot of good, clean fun. Funny fun! So when you find yourself laughing and having lots of fun, tell your friends and buy my books! Thank you again.
All the Best,
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