Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter Cheer

Easter Cheer

Photo Source: Olde Naples Chocolate

Today is Good Friday. 
Christianity is the only religion that calls the day 
their Founder got killed a good day. 

And I think they call this week Holy Week, 
because they’re busy hiding Easter eggs in holes. 

In honor of Holy Week and Easter, 
the gym’s offering Pontius Pilates.  

It’s just like regular Pilates, 
but afterwards, 
there’s a lot more hand-washing.

I think Easter reached the point 
of over-commercialization 
when they started making chocolate crucifixes.  

Is that suppose to ward off chocolate vampires?  
“Count Chocula, how did you get in here?  
No problem, I have one of these!”    

If Jesus married Mary Magdalene; 
and they had a Child, 
could that Baby crawl on water?

All the Best,

P. S. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!

Uploaded on Aug 10, 2011 by

Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible:
Christian books 
are cross-referenced.

Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible”:
When Jesus carried lumber for Joseph, 
He was cross training.

Faith like a Ketchup Seed”:
Some people say The Bible is 
God’s Love Letter to humanity, 
but I think The Bible’s far more significant 
than a note from God asking us: 
“Do you like Me?  Check one.”

Faith like a Ketchup Seed:
Is it still considered walking on water 
if the water is frozen; 
and the “water-walker” wears skates? 

The Christian Comedy Combo Platter!:
Why would they pave Paradise 
to put up a parking lot?  
Instead, they should pave Hell 
to put up an ice cream stand.

Tim Hawkins - Hedge of Protection

Uploaded on Nov 1, 2009 by

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Some of My Favorite Mitch Hedberg Jokes

In memory of Mitch Hedburg
who died eight years ago this week, 
(on either March 29 or 30, 2005)
I'm reposting my most popular post 
from My Favorite Blog: 

Uploaded by  on Jun 19, 2008
Mitch Hedberg's final Just for Laughs
performance from 2004. 
One of the best, known for his hilarious one liners.

Mitch Hedberg:

I like to play blackjack. 
I’m not addicted to gambling. 
I'm addicted to sittin’ in a semicircle.

I ate one anchovy; 
and that is why I did not eat two anchovies.

A fly was very close to being called a land, 
because that’s what it does half the time.

If a drink was ice cold, it would be impossible to drink. 
Because it would be solid. 
“Here’s a drink, Mitch; it's ice cold.” 
“I guess I could lick it.”

Fettuccini Alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults.

I used to be a hot-tar roofer. 
Yeah, I remember that day. 

I opened up a yogurt. 
Underneath the lid it said, “Please try again.” 
Because they were having a contest that I was unaware of. 
I thought maybe I opened the yogurt wrong. 
Or maybe Yoplait was trying to inspire me. 
“Come on Mitchell, don’t give up!” 
An inspirational message from your friends at Yoplait. 
Fruit on the bottom, hope on top. 

I had a job interview at an insurance company once; 
and the lady said, 
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” 
I said, “Celebrating the fifth year anniversary 
of you asking me this question!”

You know when a company wants to use letters 
in their phone number, but often they’ll use too many letters? 
“Call 1-800-I-Really-Enjoy-Brand-New-Carpeting.” 
Too many letters, man, must I dial them all? 
“Hello? Hold on, man, I’m only on ‘Enjoy’. 
How did you know I was calling? 
You’re good, I can see why they hired you!” 

I had the cab driver drive me here backwards; 
and the dude owed me $27.50.

An escalator can never break. 
It can only become stairs. 
You would never see 
an “Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order” sign, 
just “Escalator Temporarily Stairs. 
Sorry for the convenience.”

I think Bigfoot is blurry, that’s the problem. 
It’s not the photographer’s fault. 
Bigfoot is blurry; and that’s extra scary to me. 
There’s a large out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. 
“Look out, he’s fuzzy! Let’s get out of here!”

I’m against picketing, 
but I don’t know how to show it.

This shirt is “dry clean only” 
... which means it’s dirty.

Mitch Hedberg

(February 24, 1968 – March 30, 2005)

Be sure you also check out these other related blog posts:

The Day the Laughter Died

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

John 3:16 Beautiful Savior Is Now On Amazon

Book Description

 March 24, 2013
A screenplay of the life of Christ by Dean Burkey, the author of “The Christian Comedy Combo Platter!”, "John 3:16 Beautiful Savior" blends the four beloved Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to create a coherent recounting of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

Respectful and reverent, yet still exciting and dramatic, with moments of humor as well, all the while presenting Jesus as fully God and fully human, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies and fulfilling His role as The Savior of the world.

If you already know and love the story, I think you'll enjoy this rendition thereof. If you're not familiar with the biblical account of Christ, now's the perfect time for you to read for yourself in a format that enlightens as well as entertains.

Why a screenplay? 
And not a novel or novella? 
Because a screenplay presents sight and sound, 
that is what we see and hear, 
the actions and dialogue of the characters, 
whereas a novel/novella does that too, 
but also adds lots of descriptions as well. 

I wrote the screenplay years ago. 
My goal was to convert it 
into a novella before Palm Sunday, 
which was this past Sunday. 
But when it came to describing the people 
and places from a couple millennia ago, 
I knew I’d have to make up a lot of “information”. 
I didn’t want to describe anyone 
or any place or anything incorrectly. 
So I decided it’d better to publish the screenplay. 
Unfortunately, my CD-drive doesn’t work, 
so I can’t use my Hollywood Screenwriter 
software any more. 

I thought there was no way 
I’d be able to access my screenplay. 
But then I realized 
that I was using a version of my screenplay 
to convert into a novella, 
so I must have had access to it somehow. 
So I found the original of the version 
I had been converting and changed that to Kindle. 

Seeing how Kindle conversion altered the formatting, 
I had to go back and change the way 
I presented the screenplay to make it easier to read. 
Which makes the script look 
more like a stage play when it comes 
to how the dialogue is presented. 

My goals for writing the screenplay 
were at least twofold, 
make that threefold: 

1) Show Jesus with a sense of humor and add 
some reverent/respectful humor that fit the story. 
Overcome the image of Jesus in movies 
long ago where He came across as boring and dull. 
Although I feel like the movie 
The Gospel According to Matthew 
did a good job of this. 

2) Present a graphic crucifixion. 
Jesus poured out His lifeblood on the cross, 
but in most movies, you just saw a drop here and there. 
Of course, I wrote this before Mel Gibson 
went overboard in his more than graphic 
presentation of the sufferings of Jesus
with The Passion of The Christ

3) Point out many of the ways 
Jesus fulfilled Old Testament prophecies. 
Which includes making it clear 
why Jesus had to suffer and die. 
And include a clear, better-detailed resurrection. 

And in addition to all that, 
I wanted to blend together the four gospel accounts. 

For the cover, 
I took the promo image of me 
from Vox Visuals’ banner ad for their film: 
“Holy Baptism: Water of Life” 
in which I portrayed Jesus. 
(See my previous post: My Friend Reverend Rick)

I tried to include links, 
but what happened was that everything after the link 
would turn blue and be underlined. 
But I still wanted to include links, 
one to my other Christian faith-based book 
The Christian Comedy Combo Platter!” 
(which is really a combination of 
my two other Christian faith-based books 
Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible” 
and “Faith like a Ketchup Seed” 
with lots of added Bonus Material!) 
and a second to my blog. 
So I put the two links last. 
Which explains why the links don’t appear earlier.

All the Best,


Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible”:
When you consider how much agony 
Jesus suffered for our sins, 
you can’t accuse God of nepotism.

Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible”:
While praying, 
we suddenly felt the need to face a crisis. 

Faith like a Ketchup Seed”:
Faith like a Ketchup Seed: 
It’s not the faith of a mustard seed, 
but it still guides me through life 
and tastes great on hot dogs.

Faith like a Ketchup Seed”:
Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, 
but he kept coming up short.

The Christian Comedy Combo Platter!:
I have a Messiah complex, 
so don’t crucify me.  
You’ll only be proving my point.

Steve Harvey Introduction to Christ

Uploaded on Apr 21, 2009 by

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Favorite Mitch Hedberg Routine

In memory of Mitch Hedburg
who died eight years ago this week, 
(on either March 29 or 30, 2005), 
I'm reposting my fourth most popular post 
from My Favorite Blog: 

Uploaded by  on Feb 4, 2008

(February 24, 1968 – March 30, 2005)

You know when you 
go into a restaurant on the weekends; 
it gets busy; so they start a waiting list; 
they start calling out names? 
They say like, “Dufrene, party of two. 
Table ready for  Dufrene, party of two.” 
And if no one answers, 
they’ll say the name again,  
“Dufrene, party of two.” 
But then if no one answers, 
they’ll just go right on to the next name, 
“Bush, party of three.” 
Yeah, but what happened to the Dufrenes? 
No one seems to care! 
Who can eat at a time like this? 
People are missing! You people are selfish. 
The  Dufrenes are in someone’s trunk right now. 
With duct tape over their mouth. 
And they’re hungry! 
That’s a double whammy! 
We need help! “Bush, search party of three!” 
You can eat once you find the  Dufrenes!  

Monday, March 25, 2013

Where the Devil Messed Up

Where the Devil Messed Up

If the Devil really wanted 
to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, 
why didn’t he try something much more enticing 
than urging Him to turn stones into bread?  

Jesus hadn’t eaten in 40 days and 40 nights, 
so the Devil shouldve been baking pies, 
or having a hot dog cookout with s’mores!
It’s not like he can’t find any fire.  

If you want to tempt somebody. 
Especially The Somebody. 
Try strawberry-and-whipped-cream-covered 
Belgian waffles
With organic maple syrup. 
Or brownies a la mode. 
With peanut butter filling! 
Now we’re talking temptations! 

But not bread. 
It’s gotta be something with whipped cream. 
Or ice cream. 
Or both. 

And have it delivered by a hottie in a Hummer. 
That’s a temptation! 

“You want a slice of bread?” 
What’s that? 
The people version of: 
“Polly want a cracker?” 

Satan shouldve said something like this: 
“If Thou art the Son of God, 
commandest Thou these stones becomest 
banana cream pies and hot fudge sundaes.” 

Of course, it wouldn’t’ve mattered 
if the Devil said to turn a stone 
into a chocolate-covered hot girl 
who thinks the Three Stooges are funny. 
Although, technically speaking, 
that is the perfect temptation. 
But only if she knows Superman’s Kryptonian name 
and can offer a reasonable explanation 
for how Spidey Sense works. 
Juggling fire and playing the ukulele 
would only seal the deal. 
Especially if she can play “Eye of the Tiger”. 

Even so, 
Jesus still would’ve said no. 
You can’t tempt God. 
God can create whatever He wants, 
so it’s impossible for us, or anyone, even the Devil, 
or chocolate-covered hot girls 
who win comic book trivia contests, 
to tempt Him. 

from what I can ascertain, 
the Devils gotten much better with his temptations. 
Nowadays, he will only tempt you with bread, 
if youre on a low-carb diet, 
or living gluten-free. 

All the Best,

Mitch Hedberg:
You know that Pepperidge Farm bread, 
that stuff is fancy. 
That stuff is wrapped twice. 
You open it, and then still ain't open. 
That's why I don't buy it, 
I don't need another step between me and toast. 

Mitch Hedberg:
I find that a duck's opinion of me 
is influenced by whether or not I have bread. 
A duck loves bread,
 but he does not have the capability to buy a loaf. 
That's the biggest joke on the duck ever. 
If I worked at a convenience store, 
and a duck came in and stole a loaf of bread, 
I would let him go. 
I'd say, "Come back tomorrow, bring your friends!" 
When I think of a duck's friends, 
I think of other ducks. 
But he could have, say, a beaver in tow. 

Mitch Hedberg:
I like waffles. 
Waffles are like pancakes with syrup traps. 
A waffle says to the syrup, 
"Hold on, now. You ain't goin' anywhere. 
Don't even be tryin' to creep down the side. 
Just rest in these squares. 
If one square is full, move on to the next one. 
When you hit the butter, split up."

Mitch Hedberg:
I hate sandwiches at New York delis. 
Too much meat on the sandwich. 
It's like a cow with a cracker on either side. 
"Would you like anything else with the pastrami sandwich?" 
"Yeah, a loaf of bread and some other people!"

Mitch Hedberg:
I ordered a club sandwich, but I'm not even a member. 
"I like my sandwiches with three pieces of bread." 
"Well, so do I!" 
"Then let's form a club." 
"OK, but we need some more stipulations. 
Instead of cutting the sandwich once, 
let's cut it again. 
Yes, four triangles, arranged in a circle, 
and in the middle we will dump chips." 
"How do you feel about frilly toothpicks?" 
"I'm for 'em!" 
"Well, this club is formed."

Uploaded on Mar 25, 2009 by

Friday, March 22, 2013

My Friend Reverend Rick

My Friend 
Reverend Rick
Dean Burkey

Photo Source:

The Lutheran Faith: A Mighty Fortress

Published on Jan 27, 2013 by

Photo Source:

As those of the Christian faith 
celebrate next week as Holy Week, 
I thought now would be a good time 
to talk about My Friend Reverend Rick
Pastor Rick Sawyer.

Long ago, 
we were in youth group together 
at St.Paul Lutheran Church
in Lakeland, Florida

My most vivid memory of Rick 
from way back then was when 
we played racquetball at the YMCA
After we finished, I noticed steam coming off his arms! 
I'd never seen, before or after that incident, 
steam coming off someone's arm before. 
I don't even remember if it was cold out. 

More important than that though, 
I remember that Rick's a true man of God, 
encouraging, affable, hip, fun, cool, 
creative, talented, musical, 
fun-loving, humorous, and Scriptural. 
And he has an excellent laugh. 

Sometime in the middle of the last decade, 
through his production company Vox Visuals
Pastor Rick produced the above movie:
"The Lutheran Faith: A Mighty Fortress"

wherein I portray Jesus. 

We filmed my part at the Holyland Experience 
in Orlando, Florida in the middle of the night 
while they were closed. 
(They had permission.) 

About a year or so after that, 
I portrayed Jesus again in Rick's second film production: 
"Holy Baptism: Water of Life".

We filmed my part at Tenoroc State Park 
where I got crucified on a bicycle seat 
and baptized in alligator-infested waters!

Thank you Rick for your 
ongoing friendship and encouragement 
and the many happy, one-of-a-kind memories!
May you and those of your church and faith 
enjoy a blessed and meaningful Holy Week 
with a joyful Easter next week!

All the Best,
Author Unknown
(but one source said LCMS Lutheran):
How many Lutherans 
does it take to change a lightbulb?
Lutherans don't like change!

Garrison Keillor:
Lutherans usually follow the official liturgy 
and will feel it is their way of suffering for their sins.

Garrison Keillor:
Lutherans believe in prayer, 
but would practically die if asked to pray out loud.

Lutherans think that 
Garrison Keillor stories are totally factual.

You Know 
You Might Be 
A Lutheran If ...

Garrison Keillor:
When you watch a "Star Wars" movie; 
and they say, "May the Force be with you", 
you respond, "And also with you".

Here's My Friend Reverend Rick 
playing and singing a song he wrote 
called "Truer Blood":

Truer Blood (Original Song Recording)

Published on May 29, 2012 by

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Best British Comedy Routine

The Best 
British Comedy Routine

I used to be indecisive, 
but now I am not quite sure.

My neighbour asked 
if he could use my lawnmower 
and I told him of course he could, 
so long as he didn't take it out of my garden.

An original idea. 
That can't be too hard. 
The library must full of them.

I was reading a book... 'the history of glue' 
- I couldn't put it down.

Police arrested two kids yesterday, 
one was drinking battery acid, 
the other was eating fireworks. 
They charged one and let the other one off.

All the Best,

Please Note:
Mostly near the beginning,
some of the following language may deemed offensive.

Uploaded on Nov 14, 2008 by