Friday, August 31, 2012

Stop Framing Yourself as Weird

Stop Framing Yourself as Weird

Please stop framing yourself as weird. 

An eagle amidst a flock of turkeys would be considered weird by the turkeys. But that wouldn’t make the eagle less majestic. 

Stop playing the victim and claiming God made you the way you are. God gave you free will and allowed you to make the choices that made you who you are. 

Just as you made those choices, you can choose to become better than you are. Decide to change. And make the changes needed to become the person God wants you to be. 

You want to be better; and God wants you to be better. How can you fail when you and God agree? Figure out what you need to do to improve; and do your part. 

You can count on God to do His part, but you must step out in faith to do your part. 

God could have killed Goliath with a bolt of lightning. Instead, he had David put his faith in action by fighting an armored, spear-wielding giant with only a slingshot. 

Jesus died for our sins, but to receive the benefit of that, we need to repent and believe. 

How can you expect positive results when you wallow in negativity?

Embrace the opportunities that come your way. 

Pursue the possibilities to become the best you ever.

Never forget how fascinating you are. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why Do Good Things Happen to Bad People?

Why Do Good Things 
Happen to Bad People?

Photo Source: The 20 Century Fox Harold Ramis movie: Bedazzled
Shown here: Elizabeth Hurley

Ecclesiastes 7:15 (CEV):
“I have seen everything during this senseless life of mine. 
I have seen good citizens die for doing the right thing, 
and I have seen criminals live to a ripe old age.”

Why do good things happen to bad people? 

The devil gets his kicks out of making the righteous jealous of the wicked. Plus, how else could he string along bad people, if he didn’t make good things happen to them? 

In the end though, when justice is meted out, the wicked will suffer for their wrongs. As indeed will the devil. 

What Satan doesn’t realize, is that he could confound the entire universe a lot more by repenting and being nice. 

That would blow everything out of the water! 

God would have to forgive the devil! 

Once the devil finds forgiveness, how then could everyone else not? 

But instead, the devil figures he’s confined to eternal torment in Hell anyway, so he lures as many others as he can to join him. 

Of course, Satan can never repent, because the pride that got him to rebel against God in the first place, is the same pride that prevents from admitting he’s wrong. 

The poor devil. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Locked Up During Lockdown

In my previous blog post: 
Me Jailed?! I Didn’t Know! Did You Know?
I got thrown in jail for taking a holiday in August.
(There are no legal holidays in August!)
While incarcerated, ... 
well, just read my previous blog post for that info.

Cause now Im ...
Locked Up During Lockdown

Although unable to speak and barely able to carry a tune, I started to make alarm sounds. 

Both sides thought reinforcements had arrived. Presumably SWAT! 
The guards let go and fled, not wanting to get blasted by stray bullets. 

And the prisoners fled, because after the guards let go, all of us went flying to the ground, where something in my larynx dislodged, allowing me to say: “Hey, isn’t it time to watch the latest fun-filled, action-packed episode of ‘Cops’?” 

So the prisoners fled too, leaving me lying on the floor in a battered and shattered body cast. 

Couldn’t tell what condition I was in. Was I paralyzed or just numb? Was I even alive? 

If I wasn’t alive, the P.R. guy for the afterlife did an excellent job of overselling it. 

As the dust cleared, I noticed that Sidney “The Birdwatcher” MacGuffin still stood among the rubble. Everyone else had left. 
So I said, “Hey Sid, you know what would be fun?” 

“Naw, I’ve seen every episode of ‘Cops’.” 

“Not that, silly. Drag me to the Experimentation Room; and I can show you something really, really fun.” 

“I - I - I don’t like that place. I - I - I’ve heard horror stories. N-n-no way.” 

“Fine, don’t have a backbone. But from now on, your nickname will be The Chicken Birdwatcher. You don’t want that; do you?” 

“I’ll drag you there, but I ain’t tryin’ nothin’.” 

“That’s why this will be so much fun. You don’t have to try a thing.” 

After another forty-five minutes of uttering every persuasion technique I know, Sid finally dragged me to the Experimentation Room. 

This is the room where convicts can volunteer to be part of experiments to get their sentences reduced by helping scientists help humanity. 

As I lay on the floor, feeling my liquefied bones gushing out of my busted body cast, I told Sid which ingredients to mix together for a super fun experiment. 

Using a funnel, he poured the mixture down my throat at my request. 

I do not condone unsupervised experiments upon one’s self or anyone else, but I had no choice. I would have been paralyzed or worse, if I hadn’t taken action. 

After swallowing the crazy concoction, I passed out. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, I don’t know. Probably a combination of all those. 

When I awoke, I no longer felt myself oozing away. I clenched and unclenched my fists to warm up my arm muscles and curled and uncurled my toes to warm up my leg muscles. 

I then used my will power, determination, and a piece of lead pipe to stand. 

I laughed with glee at my triumph. Laughter must heal all wounds, because my guffawing caused the rest of my battered and shattered body cast to fall away, leaving me still standing. 

I took a few tentative steps. I jumped. I tried to perform a cartwheel, but landed on my back. 

As I stared at the stained ceiling with the peeling paint, I knew: 

I’m completely healed. I could never do a cartwheel! 

The serum healed all my broken bones, so I fled. I was only supposed to spend the night in jail, but the guards blamed me for Chuck’s fall, so I knew they’d never let me go. 

And besides, it was such a silly law anyway. No legal holidays in August? So no one can have any fun all month long? I don’t think so. Not in the summer. February maybe, but not August. 

I snuck into the laundry room and put on a guard’s outfit. Okay, five guard’s outfits. Seemed like no one was my size. I finally went with the fifth guard’s uniform regardless and rolled up the sleeves and pants. 

I hid in a hamper until the next shift change to avoid getting attacked by any convicts or caught by any guards. 

As the five o’clock whistle blew, I jumped out of the hamper and scampered to the exit. 

Once outside the prison, I looked back to make sure I had really escaped. Only the prison didn’t say anything about being a jail or a prison, it just said: Dream Factory

I wondered what that meant. 

But then a semi-truck blared its horn at me. I froze with fear. Or the bone-solidifying solution suddenly over-solidified my bones. The driver slammed on the brakes. The brake pads squealed. The tires smoked as the truck charged at me. Just then, at the very last second, right before impact, I awoke to find myself still in jail. 

My cellmate Tony “The Tainted Taxman” Turner asked me for a breath mint; and even though his breath smelled like stale tortilla chips covered with lemon salsa left in the rain, I said, “No!” 

So now all the other cellmates think I’m stingy, but at least I’m alive and not frozen with fear in front of a charging semi. 

And I have tons of breath mints all for myself. 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Me Jailed?! I Didn’t Know! Did You Know?

Me Jailed?! 
I Didn’t Know! 
Did You Know?

Photo Source: 
Photo Taken by: Vince Mig

Never thought Id wind up in jail. 

An asylum? Sure. Its a such crazy world, youd be nuts not to go insane. 

But not jail. Not prison. Not the Big House! 

So I found out the hard way that August doesn’t have any legal holidays. None! 

Ergo, therefore, thusly, by default, any holiday in August is illegal

So yeah, I had fun. You know me. I always do. 

A friend needed me to ride with him to Fort Lauderdale yesterday, so I did. I took off the entire day. I’m a pal like that. 

Had I only taken off half a day, I might’ve just gotten a warning. Or a small, hefty fine. 

But instead, I got thrown in the slammer … for taking a day off in August! 

My huge, tattooed, muscle-bound cellmate Hank “The Slash” Henderson picked me up by my shirt collar and said in a gravelly voice greatly in need of breath mints: “I Karate-chopped twelve people in half. Whatcha in for?” 

As polite as can be, I plopped a breath mint into his mouth. 

Must’ve gone down the wrong pipe though, ‘cause he started to cough. Oops!  

As he collapsed to the cell floor, I stepped safely aside and said, “I’m a maniac! I had fun in August.”

Slash performed the Heimlich Maneuver on himself and rose to his feet, towering over me. He adopted the armed and ready Karate pose known as: Dragon Scratches an Itch. 

He sneered at me and said, “I’m a repeat offender. And I hope to kill again. Real soon.” 

I think he meant something sinister by that. But when he gave himself the Heimlich, that Wintergreen breath mint dislodged and spewed out of the cell before it could do him any good. 

I kept my cool, looked into his lifeless eyes, which were like a doll’s eyes, and said, “I’m a repeat offender too. I had fun this August. I hope to have fun next August. And the August after that!”

Meanwhile the head guard for our cellblock Chuck Stephens slipped on the breath mint Slash spewed into the hallway. 

The guard fell to the floor and conked his head on the concrete. The prisoners who didn’t show consideration for others laughed. 

Come to think of it, not one person in jail felt consideration for others, which was how they wound up incarcerated in the first place. 

So everyone laughed. Except me. Because that was my breath mint. 

And because I’m considerate. Even if it’s only to supermodels and movie producers. And to people giving away free chocolate. 

Especially supermodel movie producers giving away free chocolate. But that’s just common sense. 

After the head guard went down, three other guards barged into my cell. Slash pointed to me. I shrugged. The guards grabbed at my pockets; and wouldn’t you know it? 

More of the exact kind of breath mint that made the head guard slip flew out of my pockets and across the cell. So I got clubbed by two angry guards. 

The third guard clubbed me too, but he wasn’t angry. He just liked clubbing. 

Now I know how seals feel when Eskimos go clubbing. 

I did my best to protect my internal organs by using my face and head to catch the clubs. 

Not the best move. Obviously. But after the first two blows, I couldn’t think straight anyway. 

I was so delirious, I thought 2-Headed Shark Attack” should win an Academy Award for Best Oceanic Documentary. 

The first guard held his club the wrong way and got a blister, so he beat me for that too. 

Although wrapped in plaster like a cardboard mummy, following the brutal beating that made that famous cop beating incident that made the national news look like a massage, I became a hero to the other inmates. 

I didn’t mean to. But somehow, wherever I go, I become a hero. 

But I’m no hero. I was just trying to avoid having to smell Slash’ halitosis. So I did what anyone else with Wintergreen breath mints would do. I offered one to Captain Stinky Breath. 

The inmates loved me, the guards hated me; and all I could do while mummified in a full body cast was hum. Somehow that led to my starting a full-fledged prison riot. 

With a bruised and battered larynx, I could barely carry a tune. But for some reason, that silly, annoying, highly repetitive Twisted Sister song got stuck in my head, so I hummed “We’re Not Going to Take It!” 

That made Cheeky Barone, the inmate orderly who made sure my cast was covered in off-color graffiti, lead a rebellion. “For the sake of Mister Mummy Man who made the head guard fall!” 

Obviously the guards were bettered armed, but the prisoners outnumbered them and had at least two chivs apiece. 

You’d think a man in a full-sized plaster cast would be safe in such a situation. But no! 

I got to play the role of a piece of rope in a brutal game of Tug of War between the guards and the cons. 

The plaster started to crack, which meant that with just a little more pressure, I’d be pulled in half. 

Or pulled so far Id be left paralyzed from the eyebrows down. 

One side was yanking; the other side was yanking. Both sides were yelling. 

It looked like this could be the end. 


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Your Gift Multiplied 12 Times!

July 10, 2012

Donated medication helps child fight worm infestation

Ezera, 4, was suffering from intestinal worms. But like too many children growing up in poverty, he didn’t have access to the basic medication he needed to recover from his treatable condition. World Vision’s deliveries of donated medicine help to change that.
Ezera and his father await treatment for the boy’s worm infestation at a local health center. If not for World Vision’s recent delivery of donated medicines, he might not have access to any remedy for his ailment.
Ezera and his father await treatment for the boy’s worm infestation at a local health center. If not for World Vision’s recent delivery of donated medicines, he might not have access to any remedy for his ailment.
Sitting outside their grass and mud hut, Ezera Odoi grits his teeth and rubs his swollen stomach with his right hand. It is evident there is something wrong with the stomach of this 4-year-old boy.
“I feel something biting my stomach,” says Ezera, who lives in easternUganda.
The boy’s father explains that Ezera first felt the pain last year, and in the time since, he’s been taken to the health center on multiple occasions.
John Oketcho, a health worker who treated Ezera, recalls his course of action. “I suspected Ezera has worms,” he says. “The last time, I gave him three albendazole tablets to take, one a day for three days. I also gave him tablets of folic acid to take, one per day for 14 days.”

A life-saving delivery

The albendazole tablets, used especially for the treatment of worm infestations, were part of a collection of donated drugs delivered by World Vision. Three government health centers in the area benefited from the distribution.
World Vision partners with pharmaceutical companies and other corporations, which donate top-quality medicines and supplies that our staff members can ship and distribute to areas where poverty often renders these items unaffordable or inaccessable — like Ezera’s village in Uganda.
Health workers in the region confirm that the drugs have made a positive impact on the health of people living in several of World Vision’s program areas.
“In fact, there were many people suffering from worms,” says Oketcho. “But when World Vision gave the de-worming tablets and we started de-worming children and adults, we now get fewer cases.”

Poverty’s crushing toll on sick children

John Oketcho, a worker at the local health center, issues a prescription of de-worming tablets and folic acid for Ezera.
John Oketcho, a worker at the local health center, issues a prescription of de-worming tablets and folic acid for Ezera.
With the government providing drugs to its health facilities only once every three months, the distributions of donated medications by World Vision contributes to better health for the rural families in poverty who must survive solely on subsistence farming.
“The government supply of drugs does not even last a month,” Oketch admits. “When the drugs are finished, we write prescriptions and advise patients to go and buy the drugs from pharmacies.”
Of course, very few families can possibly afford to do this.

Ezera’s hope

Oketcho says Ezera may be getting new worm infection. He adds that there are different kinds of worms that can infect children — flatworms, roundworms, and tapeworms, to name a few. Infection can result from poor hygiene, including unsanitary toilet use and using contaminated water.
“I advise Ezera to go for a lab test…for a correct diagnosis,” says Oketcho.
There is hope for Ezera. With deworming drugs now available, Ezera will recover once he gets the correct diagnosis.

Learn more

Check out this photo blog of children around the world who are benefiting from World Vision’s shipment and distribution of donated medicines and supplies.

Two ways you can help

Please pray for children like Ezera whose lives are put at risk because they live in poverty and don’t even have access to basic medicines and supplies that can help them heal.
Make a one-time donation today to help ship and distribute life-saving medicines and supplies to communities in need. Your gift multiplies 12 times in impact to help provide donated phamaceuticals, supplies, and over-the-counter medications to places where children and families are suffering.
Article Source:

Uploaded by  on Mar 23, 2009

This YouTube video was uploaded by  on Oct 2, 2009

You can be the hero to these children need.

Instead of buying sodas and coffees this week, 
especially instead of buying cigarettes, 
donate that money to save lives

One of the best ways to beat the blues 
is to help, love, and care for others. 

Enjoy the feeling of knowing 
that youre doing the right thing 
and making a positive impact. 

Especially now, 
when your gift multiplies 12 times!
$10 is like donating $120.
$50 is like donating $600.
Every hundred dollars 
is like donating over a thousand dollars!

Blessings & Joy,

Please Note: I don’t know how long this special gift-multiplying offer lasts, but I do know there is a constant need for help in the world, so please don’t hesitate to donate. Countless lives are depending on you. Global problems may seem overwhelming, but if we all do our part, whatever we do will mean a lot to those we help. Like the man throwing the beached starfish back into the ocean, there were thousands upon the shore! An observer said to the man that he couldn’t possibly throw all of those starfish back into the ocean. The man agreed, but also said, “It sure means a lot to the ones I do throw back.” So maybe we can’t help everyone, but it will sure mean to those we do help. Hey! I wonder if that’s what Michael Jackson meant when he rescued me and called me his little Starfish? See: Is This Really The End?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Book Review: Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow with Nathan Whitaker

Book Review: 

Although not a big sports fan, I thoroughly enjoyed Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow with Nathan Whitaker.

Tim Tebow was very forthright in sharing his foibles and fears as well as his faith and victories. His hurts and heartaches as well as his hopes and dreams. His flaws and weaknesses as well as his talents and strengths. 

I found the book inspiring. Tebow's such a strong man of faith, that I want to strive to be so myself. By wearing John 3:16 on his eye patches in the January 2009 National Championship Game, he caused 94 million people to Google John 3:16! What an impact!

John 3:16 (NKJV): 
"For God so loved the world 
that He gave His only begotten Son, 
that whoever believes in Him 
should not perish but have everlasting life."

His determination to keep improving despite past successes is inspiring too. He has his faith in Christ to guide him. And he also thinks of his opponent in these terms: 

"Somewhere he is out there, 
training while I am not.
One day, when we meet, he will win."

So with your faith and life rightly aligned with Christ, no matter what life may bring your way, you can smile and say: "Game on!"

Dean Burkey

Uploaded by  on Apr 30, 2011

Uploaded by  on Feb 8, 2010

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Most Popular Blog Posts to Date

Having an acute case of frostbite, 
following a harrowing ordeal that ended 
with my being drugged by penguins in Antarctica, 
I have to soak in a warm tub. 

(For that epic Inside/Out Adventure
see: Beggar Gone Bad!
and Is This Really The End?in that order.)

In the meantime, you can enjoy ... 

My Most Popular 
Blog Posts to Date
(Based on Number of Views)

Please Click the Title of the Blog Post 
to Be Taken to That Blog Post.

Climactic scene from JAWS!

What strikes me as odd 
is that three of those are commercials!
I hardly do commercials. 
Instead I mostly create all kinds of crazy adventures 
to provide good, clean fun 
that cant be found anywhere else. 
But whats the most popular?
The commercials!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Remembering Elvis

Is Elvis really dead? 
How can he be? 
When ELVIS is a Word Jumble for LIVES.

"A live concert to me is exciting 
because of all the electricity that is generated 
in the crowd and on stage. 
It's my favorite part of the business, live concerts."

Here's a fun, rare video showing early Elvis 
appearing on The Milton Berle Show singing:
Heartbreak Hotel

Uploaded by  on Sep 29, 2011
Elvis making his first appearance on the Milton Berle Show on April 3, 1956. 
Performing on the deck of the USS Hancock in San Diego. 
Cheered from an audience of sailors.

Steve Martin says that Elvis came back stage 
to tell him that both Steve and Elvis have 
"an oblique sense of humor"!

Elvis prophetically sings 

Uploaded by  on Sep 6, 2010

"Every time I think that I'm getting old, 
and gradually going to the grave, 
something else happens."

Elvis singing his last song on stage ...

Uploaded by  on Sep 30, 2008
Can't Help Falling In Love - Audience film from Market Square Arena, Indianapolis 6/26/77. 
Last on stage footage of Elvis.

"When I was a child, 
ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer. 
I read comic books and I was the hero of the comic book. 
I saw movies and I was the hero in the movie. 
So every dream I ever dreamed 
has come true a hundred times. 
I learned very early in life that: 
'Without a song, the day would never end; 
without a song, a man ain’t got a friend; 
without a song, the road would never bend, 
So I keep singing a song. 
Goodnight. Thank you." 
From his acceptance speech for 
the 1970 Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Nation Award. 
Given at a ceremony on January 16, 1971. 
(Elvis quoted from copyrighted material 
with lines from the song “Without a Song”.)
Quote and Info Source: 


For more Elvis fun, see my previous Heaven-Bent posts: 
Jacko, Elvis, and The Albino Bigfoot and my 6-Part Epic Inside/Out Adventure which began with Beggar Gone Bad!;
and please visit My Favorite Blog for the post: