Wednesday, September 12, 2012

What Makes a Psycho Pyscho

What Makes a Psycho Pyscho

Photo Source: The 2002 Lionsgate film:
American Psycho II: All American Girl*

I always like to present Things You Need to Know, so here I go: 

What Makes a Psycho Pyscho … 

Obviously, the psycho’s not a psycho at first; otherwise psycho relationships would never begin. 

(Unless the psychos totally gorgeous.) 

(Or both parties are psychos, to one extent or another.) 

(But arent we all, to one extent or another, slightly askew?)

(Personally, I think its the overuse of parentheses that makes people go bonkers, cuckoo, loony tuney, quirky, quacky, always wacky, nuttier than crunchy peanut butter, a few chocolates short of a Whitmans Sampler, one whose jacket is never crooked, someone suffering from Sanity Deficit Disorder.)

So my questions are: 

If the psycho can act non-psychotic at the beginning of a relationship, why doesn’t he/she act non-psychotic all the time? 

If you have that much control, just stop being a psycho! 

And psychos, when it comes to decision-making, why not follow the advice and counsel of the person in the relationship who hasn’t been pumped full of lithium and lit up like a Christmas tree with EST? 

Makes sense to me! 

But no, psychos always want to run the show. 

What’s really sad, is when psychos refuse to change and grow, 
which is, in essence, what makes someone a psycho. 

Einstein’s attributed with saying insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. 

Ergo, refusal to change and grow makes a psycho psycho. 

Or it could be that all those negative political ads make them crazy. 

Or silly commercials in general can generate nuttiness. 

Add in the rising price of gas; and it’s a wonder any of us are sane! 

But let’s not for one minute, not even for a 30-second commercial, ever blame Cocoa Puffs

How can it be wrong when it’s so chocolaty good? 

Ah, sweet insanity … 

I say we blame Big Pharma.

* I haven’t seen this movie, so I’m not recommending it. It’s rated R for violence and language, so viewer discretion is advised. I just needed a picture of an adorable psycho, so I chose Mila Kunis in her role as Rachael. 

** For more Cocoa Puffs’ fun, see: About Cocoa Puffs. 

Uploaded by  on Nov 15, 2008
An old commercial for Cocoa Puffs cereal with Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

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