Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Favorite Screenwriting Guru Is Now on Kindle!

Here's the deal: I began this blog post simply as a way to create the links to buy the books I wanted, because I think I get  a % back. Or at least some form of credit by going through these created links, instead of going to Amazon directly. Theoretically, I could've gone through other previously created links as seen throughout most of my posts, and then redirected myself to the desired books for the same result. But I wanted to be sure, so I created these direct links. But then I thought, why not write about them too ...

My favorite "Screenwriting Guru" is William C. Martell, probably because I don't think he refers to himself as a "Screenwriting Guru". But even if he does, he deserves that title. Compared to so many of the other so-called "Screenwriting Gurus", he may be the only one who actively writes screenplays.

He wrote a series of "little blue books" about screenwriting that I already have in printed form. Each with a different topic in mind. Each full of practical wisdom. He took three of those "little blue books" and expanded them by adding many, many more pages and turned them into Kindle books. Although they have maybe three to four times as many pages, they sell for about 3/5 the cost of the printed edition. Plus, you save on shipping costs too.

His masterpiece however is "The Secrets of Action Screenwriting"! The highly sought printed edition has been out of print for a few years and has since skyrocketed in price! Selling on Amazon from $180 on up! Almost $400 for a new copy. Quite an investment, if you bought it for $19.95, or maybe even $24.95; and then you sell it in about ten years or so for almost $400. That's almost 16-20 times your money in about a decade. Or what's known in the financial world as a miracle investment!

But the true value of the books is the wisdom Martell imparts. He learned as he wrote. And as he studied movies too. He applied what he learned to his writing.

Since the book's been out of print he's been revising, updating, and expanding it. Now the book's more than twice the size of the original. And it's only $9.99 on Kindle. So you get more than twice the material of what would cost at least $180 for only 1/18 the cost!

And all four books together cost you about the same or even less than the original out-of-print book.

Learn practical advice from someone who writes screenplays. He doesn't offer mere conjecture and theories; he tells you what works. And he knows what works, because he works as a screenwriter!

You can enjoy his free daily tips too at his website:

And while you're buying books for Kindle, be sure to purchase:

If you want to save money and enjoy reading Kindle books, but you don't want to buy a Kindle:

If you write screenplays, please let me know. What genre. Where you submit. Do you have an agent? What success you've enjoyed. Etc.

And just for fun, when you want to buy something from, click there through one of my links!
Blessings & Joy,
Dean Burkey

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