Saturday, February 11, 2012

Enjoy "Holy Laughter!" on Kindle without a Kindle!

Yay! "Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible" is available on Kindle for only $2.99!

What if we don't have a Kindle? Oh no! What are we going to do?

Kindles run from $79 to about $200. Maybe thousands of dollars more if we weld diamonds onto the casing. Or cover the casing with gold. But that would be silly, because the gold makes the Kindle heavier and creates a burnt plastic smell. Or so I've heard.

But on the other hand, if we're trapped inside a glass box, we can cut our way out with the diamonds.

That's up to you, your budget, and the guidance of your financial advisor.

Unless his name is Mr. Ponzi. Because rumor has it that he has a scheme.

Back to the best book ever to be on Kindle now being offered for only $2.99! We can enjoy "Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible" on Kindle for only $2.99 without having a Kindle!

Wow! We can read a Kindle book without having to have a Kindle. That saves us at least $79 to $200. Saves us thousands of dollars if we planned to do the diamond/gold welding thing. Might work better if we use a hot glue gun instead of welding equipment. Right away we save the cost of renting a welder's mask.

Being able to read Kindle books without a Kindle also saves us much more money by letting us buy our books for less money! Including, but not limited to, "Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible" being on sale for one fifth the cost of the printed edition!

Plus, we help save the trees by not having to use paper. And we want the trees to be happy, because they give us oxygen, food, and maple syrup. I hear that hollow ones house elves who make cookies! If we didn't have trees, we'd never wonder if they make a sound when no one's around.

Saving money and saving trees is all well and good. And so is saving space! With Kindle books, we don't need bookshelves. Which not only saves space, but saves us more money and saves more trees too.

To enjoy this amazing feat of reading Kindle books without a Kindle:

Blessings & Joy,
Dean Burkey

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