Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

To celebrate Father's Day, I'm thanking my Dad for who he is and for all he's done for me and our family.

In many respects, I owe my sense of humor to my Dad. He jokes all the time. He used to take me to funny movies. And we used to watch comedians and funny shows on TV a lot too. The first time I saw Steve Martin on TV was when I watched TV with my Dad.

He used to buy us the latest toys and gadgets too. We had "Pong" when it first came out! We also had lots of other games and toys too. Including a ping pong table, a pool table, air hockey, and a basketball hoop. Dad was famous for his hook shot.

We lived in a great house with a swimming pool. And, at risk to himself, he climbed to great heights to install a rope, a ladder, and a rope swing in the backyard so we kids could have fun.

Dad taught me how to ride a bike and how to drive.

Dad bought me my first guitar too. Without that guitar, I probably never would've learned to write songs.
Dad took us on many great vacations! Several to Gatlinburg and Chicago. Plus, we went to Colorado, England, Austria, Switzerland, Egypt, and Israel.

No matter where we go, Dad knows where to find desserts!

When Mom wasn't around; and Dad had to fix meals for us, if we didn't go out to eat, he'd make peanut butter sandwiches and malted milk shakes. For dessert, he'd make banana splits with all sorts of candies and nuts thrown in too.

Dad provided so well for us because of his courageous, adventurous, entrepreneurial spirit. Being bold enough to switch careers and start new companies.

More importantly than providing food, clothing, shelter, toys, trips, fun, and humor, Dad made sure we had devotions and went to church, raising us in a Christian home with Judeo-Christian values and teaching us to help those in need.

Thank you Dad for the great memories you gave us, for the sacrifices you made for us as you worked late hours and traveled around building your businesses, and for praying for us each day too.

I hope everyone has a blessed Father's Day. Please thank your Dad for all he's done for you too.

Anyone can spawn a kid, but it takes someone super special to raise a child, to be a Dad.

Thank you Dad!

Blessings & Joy,

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