Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Facebook Fun

Kirsten found a Pink Baby Calf on their farm in Farmville!

Cecil just found some White Mystery Eggs and wants to say thank you!

Dean wants to enjoy reality and wishes he knew how to unplug Farmville.  And erase those phony farms forever!

Facebook keeps telling me to reconnect with my girlfriend.  Back off Facebook, you’re moving too fast for me.

Facebook says: Many who like The Bible like God. 

If you don’t like God, why would you like His Book?

You don’t see Rabbi Berkowitz liking Mein Kampf.

Many who like hitting their thumbs with hammers also like cussing like sailors.

If Jesus had a Facebook page, He’d friend each and every one of us. 

But sadly, we end up un-friending Him by the ways we ignore Him and live our lives without regard to His commands.

Don’t un-friend Jesus, click Like.

Many who like Jesus like loving one another. 

And that would make the world better than any pixel pasture in Farmville. 

Make real friends besides on Facebook.  And here's another nifty idea, instead of cultivating a fake farm, plant some real seeds in your backyard and grow some real plants.  Just a thought. 

Be real.  Be blessed.  Be really blessed. 

Blessings & Joy,
Dean Burkey

1 comment:

  1. Funny!!! I block Farmville from facebook. I don't understand and don't want to watch anyone post about it. I DO want to grow something for real. Right now, I guess it'll just be pecans.
