Monday, April 23, 2012

Writing Advice (Part 3)

Writing non-stop for 5 minutes works best first thing in the morning. 

First thing.** It’s only five minutes. 

Writing first thing after you wake up helps engage the creative right side of your brain. The side you want for writing something new. 

Or for finding solutions to a perplexing problem. As long as you focus your creative energies, you will find the answers you seek. 

Even if you don’t write anything worthwhile in that first five-minute non-stop writing session of the day, you’ve engaged the right side of your brain. 

Later in the day. Or maybe in the middle of the night. Often while you busy yourself with something else. Ideas will pop into your head. Seemingly from nowhere. 

But you put the order in when you focused your thoughts during your first-thing-of-the-day writing session. The idea coming to you suddenly is just the delivery of that idea you ordered. 

So write that idea down and work with it as much as you can. Especially when it first comes to you. Don’t edit yet. Just let your creativity flow. 

Later, go back and edit. Edit like the wind!

For best results, write non-stop for at least five minutes first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening. Right when you wake up and just before you go to sleep. 

Concentrate on what you want to accomplish in the evening; and work on finding solutions/answers in the morning. This approach engages your subconscious while you sleep. 

Feel free to write non-stop for at least five minutes throughout the day too, but dont neglect to do so first thing and last thing as well. 

First thing, last thing, and as often as you want in-between. That should jump start your writing immensely.

Blessings & Joy,

** Are there tricks to prevent yourself from making a mess by delaying what you usually do first thing? Depends. Or put a pen and paper near your porcelain furniture.

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