Monday, April 2, 2012

Book Review: Naked Heat by Richard Castle*

“Naked Heat” 
by Richard Castle*

This book is the sequel to “Heat Wave”. Although I haven’t read  “Heat Wave” yet, I didn’t feel lost. In fact, if you’re a fan of the hit ABC TV show “Castle”, you won’t feel lost at all.

The book presents itself as being the work of the title character of that show: Richard “Rick” Castle as portrayed superbly by Nathan Fillion. Nathan Fillion appears on the back cover; and the acknowledgments are written from Castle’s point-of-view. Also, the cover and such present other books “by Castle” too. 

The TV show features writer Castle tagging along with the NYPD to research his novels, specifically Detective Kate Beckett, portrayed superbly by Stana Katic, upon whom Castle bases his fictional character Detective Nikki Heat. 

In the book, as in the show, a writer tags along with the police department too. 

If you love the show, you should love the book. They’re basically the same. Except the TV show requires less reading. 

On the other hand, the book has less commercials. 

The key to understanding this novel as being a “written episode” is that Nikki Heat is Kate Beckett; Jameson Rook is Castle; Ochoa is Esposito; Raley is Ryan; Lauren Perry is Dr. Lanie Parish; and the Chief is the Chief and the writer’s mother and daughter are the writer’s mother and daughter, only with different names. (The characters match the characters from before Season 4. Season 4 has a different Chief.) 

Like episodes of the show, the book presents a mystery with intrigue, suspense, and smatterings of humor. 

Notice how both the names Castle and Rook are chess pieces. 

Also, the book contains an inside joke for Nathan Fillion fans by twice mentioning a pair of police officers named Malcolm and Reynolds. Nathan Fillion superbly portrayed the character Malcolm Reynolds in the TV show “Firefly” and the movie “Serenity”

The book might contain other inside jokes as well, but that’s the only one I got. 

Not being censored by TV panels and such, the book drops the occasional F-bomb and such, but overall remains true to the spirit and fun of the TV show. 

I found the book to be fun, engaging, and entertaining. 

Would you enjoy it if you’re not a fan of  “Castle”? I would think so, but I can’t say for sure. Because I am a fan. 

Blessings & Joy,

* Richard Castle is a character on the hit ABC TV show  “Castle”, so I don’t know who really wrote this book. 

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