Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Aftermath, Black Friday Frenzy, and The Best Deal Ever!

I hope you had a blessed, happy Thanksgiving. I did. A great day to be with family and thank God for all His wonderful blessings to us. I enjoyed a great church service on Wednesday. My cousin-in-law Shari’s niece Meghan stayed up to midnight that night making a bunch of my favorite cookies: Mint chocolate chip! And I got a box of them to take home yesterday too. Thank you Megan! ;o)

The rest of the food was delicious as well. I felt full before the meal even began, because I kept eating the appetizers my cousin John and his wife Shari’s daughter Amy made. She’s become quite the cook too. Making an array of tasty treats for our last family reunion. And she bakes and makes decorative cakes. I’m not sure that the official name of that appetizer is, but I affectionately dubbed them: Yummy Yellow Round Things. They were yummy, yellow, and round, so that name fits. Plus, it sounds kind of catchy too. Henceforth, they shall forever be known as Yummy Yellow Round Things. Kind of like a buttery biscuit with onions and other seasoning. Delish! And addictive too. I should totally go into marketing.

I must be a bit of a scoundrel. Shari’s mother Gloria said she doesn’t like musicals, because she doesn’t like when people sing what they want to say, so I proceeded to sing whatever I wanted to say, beginning with my holding up a mint chocolate cookie and singing, “I really like these cookies!” I have special needs.

Thanksgiving this year was a great day to give thanks. Unless you’re a Detroit fan. My thinking is: Once a quarterback throws the ball to the other team, take him out. I mean, remove him from the game, not take him to dinner and a movie. Or even miniature golf. Why would you not replace him and let him rest or focus or whatever he needed, instead of letting him throw the ball to the other team again? But hey, it’s just a game. Right?

Detroit didn’t even score until the 4th quarter when I went to the kitchen to get another cookie. Green Bay should hire me to stay in the TV room and keep watching the game. They should keep an ongoing supply of mint chocolate chip cookies in the TV room, so I won’t have to leave. And maybe a magical milk fountain and a catheter.

Wow! I really do have special needs. Could be that my heart has a trophy-wife-shaped void.

I’m glad Black Friday’s finally here! So now they can stop airing those silly ads. Like the one for Target where a cute blonde lady turns into a raving lunatic. Annoying! I don’t care how cute you are, you’re too high maintenance, if a sale at Target makes you get Baker-Acted.

Or the one for Wal-Mart where the best Black Friday buyer is so dedicated, she named her kid Black Friday. A name like that limits the kid’s career options. Can only work one day a week! Plus, the child grows up feeling discounted and undervalued. But I can't judge how people name their kids. My brother named his daughter after a Miami Dolphins quarterback. And I like the names Krypton and Onomatopoeia. Or the sound one makes when slurping the last of a drink through a straw. (I just don't know how to spell it.)

And the Kohl’s commercial where the totally adorable lady sings that all-too-catchy song about Black Friday. That song gets so grafted into one’s brain, Disney should open a Black Friday ride. (All their rides have songs that get stuck in your brain for years, even decades! I.e., “It’s a Small World After All” and “If You Had Wings, Had Wings, Had Wings …”) It’ll take several weeks of electroshock therapy and hefty doses of lithium to get that Black Friday song out of my head. Or to conserve electricity and avoid needless chemical ingestion, I could follow the advice of my previous blog How to Sanctify Unsavory Songs and instead of “Black Friday, Black Friday”, simply sing “God Loves Me, God Loves Me”.

People will stay up all night, or get up several hours early, to save $20. Waiting in line for four hours; that’s $5 a hour. When you spend $10 on coffee and snacks, you’re only saving $10; and drop down to $2.50 an hour. But then you buy an extra $40 worth of stuff you didn’t even want nor need. So you’re in the hole. Just because I don’t understand the shopping mania, don’t let me stop you. The experience is still priceless if you brave the day with family and friends and build memories to last a lifetime. So kudos for that. Just be safe. And be kind too. Please. They’re fellow human beings, not enemy shoppers.

For the best deal ever! Simply repent and believe in the atoning death and resurrection of the Only Begotten Son of God Jesus Christ. You don’t have to earn Salvation. You can’t even buy a ticket to Heaven if you wanted to. But remember, Grace is free, but it’s not cheap. Cost God the Father the life of His Son Jesus. The Innocent One paying the prices for the sins of the world. We receive eternal rewards for the work performed by the Perfect One. You can’t find a better “deal” than that anywhere else.

Thus, the best “Black Friday” for the best “deal” ever is Good Friday, when the sky turned black from noon until 3 pm, when the Lamb of God bore the sins of the world, even though He knew most of the world would ignore Him and use His Holy Name as a curse word.

So whatever you face in life, don’t forget to turn to God, accept His Gift, and give Him thanks for all He’s done. That’s the best Black Friday and the Best Thanksgiving ever.

But if you can do all that; and still enjoy your favorite cookies, what a glorious celebration indeed!

Blessings & Joy,
Dean Burkey

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