Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanks A Lot!

You have no reason not to be thankful on Thanksgiving. Unless you’re a turkey!

Thanksgiving is an American holiday. In Spain, they celebrate Gracias-Giving Day.

Canadians celebrate their own Thanksgiving Day too. But it’s on a different day. And since they can’t tell the difference between ham and bacon, instead of giving thanks, they probably use that day to ask for a bunch of stuff. Or they give thanks they get meds so cheaply. Or they take a bunch of cheap meds and give thanks for all the pretty colors. And I’m sure they give thanks for snowmobiles and central heating.

The first Thanksgiving lasted for three days. Thanksgiving nowadays only seems that long because that one relative’s innocuous nostalgic stories never end. Does the tryptophan in turkey really make us sleepy? Or are we just taking naps to avoid hearing another pointless anecdote about how our wacky uncle jaywalked with Herbert Hoover?

Thanksgiving should be replaced by Gripesgiving Day, so people have one day to gripe, but must give thanks all the other days of the year.

The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. But can’t they move that to Saturday? So the day after Thanksgiving can be what it should be: You’re-Welcome-Giving Day.

I thought Black Friday was the day Jesus died. But no, that’s Good Friday. And the Friday with all that good shopping deals, is that called Good Friday? Nope. That’s Black Friday. Like Alanis sang: “Isn’t ironic? Yeah, I really do think.”

The Bible tells us to give thanks in all things. I wonder if the people camping out and/or standing in line for several hours waiting for the stores to open on Black Friday will remember to give thanks. I think the biggest shopping day of the year should be the day before Thanksgiving, not the day after. That way we can spend Thanksgiving giving thanks for all the great deals we got.

I’m thankful for faith in Jesus Christ, because without that, it’s hard to be thankful for anything else. Thus, the biggest day of giving thanks should be Easter, where we thank the Lord He rose from the dead to offer us eternal life through faith in Him and in His atoning sacrifice on Good Friday, where His payment for all our sins made that dark Friday, good indeed.

Or Thanksgiving should be the day after Christmas where we give thanks for all the cool gifts we got. Oh yes, and for God sending us His Son to save us. If Thanksgiving were Easter, we’d give thanks for eggs and chocolate bunnies. And that might inadvertently overshadow the thanks we need to give to God.

Thank You God for everything. Especially the awesome cool stuff.

I’m thankful for God, Salvation, faith, freedom, family, friends/readers (you!), food, fun, my sense of humor, learning, becoming more organized, blogging, publishing two books, and for any comments you care to leave. ;o)

What are you thankful for?
Blessings & Joy,
Dean Burkey

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