Saturday, January 21, 2012

Yummy Healthy Pancakes

Dean Burkey's Cashew Oatmeal (Patent-Pending) Pancakes®©

Vegan-friendly. Which also means vegetarian-friendly too. This should even be Gluten-Free, if you use European oatmeal. We're not as strict with keeping our grains from mixing together in our silos and such. But at least our women use deodorant and shave their armpits. And their legs.

God Bless America!

You can choose to use Gluten-Free oatmeal:

Special thanks to Ani Phyo for the great pancake recipe that inspired my version.

And special thanks to Rach and Me for inspiring me to tweak recipes.

(For more info on that, see my blog: Raving about "Rach and Me")

I use a scoop from a protein mix to make this.

But I'll convert the recipe into ounces, so you won't have to wait until the protein mix arrives to try this truly tremendous treat. ;o)

Dean Burkey's Cashew Oatmeal (Patent-Still-Pending) Pancakes®©
Yummy, yet healthy! Easy to make. Easy to enjoy!

4 ounces raw cashews
4 ounces raw oatmeal
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
4 ounces spring water
1 banana
Pure honey or 100 % maple syrup: 
However much you want!
(Within reason; or this'll no longer be healthy.)

(1) Spray a square griddle with cooking spray. Canola oil is healthy. (Or less unhealthy. Whatever the case may be.) To avoid the dangers of oil, especially oil sprayed from a can, consider using a non-stick griddle:

And be sure you use a griddle; and not a girdle. (Don't ask.)

(2) Set the stovetop to Medium Low.

(3) In a blender, chop the cashews into bits. Or smithereens. Whichever you prefer.

(4) Add the oatmeal and blend that with the crushed cashews.

(5) Add the cinnamon and water and blend that with the cashew/oatmeal mixture.

(6) Chop the banana.

(7) Put the chopped banana in the blender with the rest of the mixture; and hit Liquefy! Blend thoroughly.

(8) Scoop the goop (the well-blended mixture) onto the heated griddle into three tasty clumps.

Technically, you could skip Step 8 and the following; and just eat the delicious "dough" raw. But then you wouldn't be making pancakes, you'd be making drippy play-dough. Playdough that you can eat or throw! But that would make a mess; and you'd feel silly greasing the griddle and heating the stovetop for nothing.

(9) Using a spoon, smooth out the clumps into three circles. Or ovals. Or trapezoids. Whichever you prefer.

If you make one big circle with two smaller circles on the top right and top left (each) of the bigger circle, you can create your own Hidden Mickey.

(10) With the griddle heating while you prepared the mixture, the griddle should be warm enough to let the pancakes cook on one side for about 10 minutes.

(11) Flip the pancakes over; and cook for additional 5 minutes.

Cooking times may vary. The pancakes will look firmer and should emit a sensational cinnamon scent when ready to be flipped.

(12) Flip the pancakes onto a plate; cover with pure honey or 100 % maple syrup; and enjoy!

If so desired, sprinkle a dash of more cinnamon onto the top pancake.

This contains no high fructose corn syrup, no added sugar, and no animal products, making this a healthy vegan treat.

The healthier option is to use only organic ingredients.

To be even healthier, run several sprints before eating, so your metabolism will be high.

Also, drinking 8 to 12 ounces of water will help you eat less.

In retrospect, I should have taken a picture, but I ate them before they even cooled down.

And before I went to the store to buy maple syrup, so I used honey with a dash of cinnamon on top.

The cashews provide protein; the oatmeal, fiber; and the bananas, potassium. Cinnamon adds flavor and helps diabetics. Honey/maple syrup add sweet flavor. And we need water to survive, so you can see how healthy these ingredients are. Unless you over-indulge.

As with most things in life, moderation is important. If you do over-indulge in this delectable delight, then check out my blog: Most of What We've Been Taught About Weight Loss Is Wrong!

I cooked mine, but if you want to incorporate raw food recipes into your diet, be sure to buy:

For other delicious recipes that aren't necessarily raw or vegan, check out these great cooking blogs:

Please let me know how this turns out for you, when you try this delicious delectable delight!

Think of at least three things for which you can give thanks today.

Blessings & Joy,
Your Friend, the Author of "Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible" and "Monster Laughs", and the Inventor of Dean Burkey's Cashew Oatmeal (What's-Taking-That-Patent-So-Long?) Pancakes®©

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