Friday, January 13, 2012

A Novel That Claims to Prove God, The Bible, and Jesus Are Real

"The Known Unknown Secrets"

I've come across a lot ads on the Internet, but never one like this:

A Novel That Proves God, The Bible, and Jesus Are Real

A novel that proves Christianity is true, instead of trying to discredit it? So what is that? The opposite of "The Da Vinci Code"?

That's quite a claim too! But if it's true, this will be the best $8 I ever spend.

Who wouldn't want proof?

Even John the Baptist doubted; and he baptized Jesus, saw the Holy Spirit descend in the form of a dove, and heard the Father declare from Heaven: "This is My Son, My Beloved, with Whom I am well pleased." How do you experience that and still doubt?

According to the Gospel of Matthew, even some of the disciples at the Ascension of Christ doubted. They spent at least three years with Jesus listening to His profound teaching and watching His amazing miracles. They watched Him suffer and die. And then they spent time with Him after His resurrection. And even after watching Him ascend into the sky; and this was long before jetpacks; they still doubted.

So then what chance do we have? Two thousand years later. Reading about those events in the Bible. What chance do we have?

Do you remember this scene from the 1975 movie "Jaws"?:

Hooper: "Martin, there are all kinds of sharks in the waters you know? Hammer heads, white tips, blues, makos and the chances that these bozos got the exact shark"--

Martin: "Oh! Now there's no other sharks like this in these waters!"

Hooper: "Martin, Martin, it's a hundred to one. A hundred to one. Now I'm not saying that this not the shark"--

Martin: "Come on!"

Hooper: "It probably is Martin, it probably is! It's a man-eater, it's extremely rare for these waters, but the fact is the bite radius on this animal is different than the wounds on the victim. I just, I want to be sure. You want to be sure. We all want to be sure. Okay? Now what I want to do is very simple. This digestive system of this animal is very, very slow. Let's cut it open, what ever its eaten in the last 24 hours is bound to still be in there. And then we'll be sure."

Martin: "May be the only way to confirm it."

And so, by buying this book. I'm cutting open the shark and peering inside. And I hope to find a lot more than a Louisiana license plate.

$8 is less than a first-run movie at night. Less than a large pizza. Less than 3 gallons of gas. Less than a decent haircut. Less than something that costs $9 or more. You can't put a price on your soul, but $8 to help ensure my eternal destiny sounds like a great deal to me. Besides, being a novel; it might be a lot of fun too!

If you want to join me in this adventure:
Click Here!

Blessings & Joy,

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