Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

To celebrate Mother's Day, I'm thanking my Mom for who she is and for all she's done for me and our family.

I owe a lot of my sense of humor to her and her side of the family. She doesn't joke a lot, but when she does, she's funny. She rifles instead of shotguns her comedy. 

Some of my memories of Mom:

When I was in Kindergarten or younger, Dad was at work; and Richard was at school, when a hurricane howled past us. Mom and I hid under the sofa cushions in the living room. We survived, obviously, but a couple years later, the ceiling in the living room collapsed, right over the place where we had hid. 

For Halloween, she sewed costumes for my brother Richard and me. Cool ones like Superman, Batman, Aquaman, and The Flash. (I was Batman and The Flash, but as soon as Richard outgrew the Superman costume, I wore that too. Not for Halloween, just for fighting crime and deflecting meteors away from the Daily Planet.)

When I was in first grade or so, Mom killed a little snake in the front yard by repeatedly striking it with a rake. 

When I was in fourth grade or older, Mom chased my brother Richard around the kitchen table after he called me a word that he had learned that day in school, but not from any of the teachers.  

She set a good example by not only having devotions and prayer each day and going to church each week, but by also helping out at church through out the week too, with the LWML, Stephen's Ministry, VBS, and much, much more. Plus, she would make dinners for families in crisis too. 

And always, she made such wonderful desserts! Hershey Tort! What love and dedication when she worked so hard to make something so delicious for us that she could not enjoy for herself. That's sacrificial love baby!

She tried to teach me not to procrastinate. And that is an important lesson that I still plan to learn. Just not today. 

Other than that though, she instilled several good character traits in me. One of which was to be humble, so I can't even begin to elaborate about all the other amazing qualities she taught me. 

Even now, she has me over every week for a delicious home-cooked meal.

For all of the bandaids and snacks, clean clothes and devotions, dinners and desserts, and a lifetime of prayer and concern, thank you Mom! I love you. 