Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Write All Kinds of Comedy!

Welcome Comedians/Comediennes and Comedy-Enthusiasts!

You can be a lot funnier than you are! Even if you're already really, really funny.

Keep track of comical notions that pop into your head. You can turn your hilarious thoughts into jokes.

Find the Funny! Look for the incongruities and ironies of life! For instance: Before we acquire wisdom, we have all kinds of energy. But once we have a clue or two, we're too feeble to do much of anything.

How can we turn that into a joke?

First that fact manifests itself best with the way children want to help us with household chores when they're too young to be of any use, but when they are old enough to help, they often dread the thought and resent the inconvenience.

Children want to wash the car before they're old enough reach the roof. But once they can scrub the top, they'll only wash when they have a hot date. (The car and themselves.)

Not hilarious, but too true.

Be consistent! Write every day!

Writing 10 jokes a day is a worthwhile goal. If only 10 % are funny, you'll still wind up with 365 new funny jokes a year! And the more you write, the funnier you should become.

Writing consistently helped me write my first book:

Holy Laughter! Humor in the Bible

Practice and improve! Keep learning! Study the jokes of others, not to use someone else's material, but to understand better, and to enjoy, their joke construction. Good jokes give you goals for which to work. Bad jokes give you encouragement, because you know you can do better than that.

Learn and apply the techniques of comedy. And analyze what you find funny and why.

These concepts: "Comedy Writing Secrets" "The Secret to Comedy" "How to Write Comedy Jokes!" "Surefire Joke Formulas" "How to Make Anybody Laugh" fascinate me! So much so, that I will soon publish my own book on the subject! "How to Write All Kinds of Comedy!" (Or "How to Write Funny Jokes!") Which title do you think sounds best?

Until then, let me recommend a few others:

When I had to prepare my first full-fledged, full-length standup comedy show, I relied heavily upon and followed religiously Steve Roye's Killer Comedy Tips and Techniques. He helps you discover how to create reams of comedy material especially suited for you.

Click Here for Steve Roye's Top Comedy Secrets!

Click Here for Steve Roye's Killer Comedy System!

Other great books about writing comedy:

Overall, one of the best:

Great for movies and sitcoms:

Great for sitcoms:

Other great books for standup comedy:

Blessings & Joy,


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